Epoxy paste grouting compound. Two component, thixotropic modified epoxy paste. Technical Datasheet Request MSDS Uses As a grouting medium, either as supplied or converted into a mortar, for fixing dowel bars, bolts or other steel overhead or horizontally into concrete...
Liquid epoxy grouting compound. Two component, modified epoxy liquid. Technical Datasheet Request MSDS Uses As a grouting medium, either as supplied or converted into a mortar, for fixing starter bars, bolts and other similar items, vertically down into concrete or...
Structural wet-to-dry concrete epoxy adhesive. epidermix® 344 is a two component, solvent free, polysulphide modified epoxy adhesive. Download PDF Request MSDS Uses Bonding fresh (plastic) concrete to existing concrete, plaster or brickwork. Can be used to provide a...
Two component structural repair epoxy mortar. Two component, solvent free, filled, polyamide cured epoxy. Download PDF Request MSDS Uses Repairing and patching defects in concrete such as honeycomb and spalls. Advantages Easily installed by gloved hand. Easily smoothed...